Presiden Joko Widodo menyampaikan bahwa keluhan mengenai laporan Surat Pertanggungjawaban (SPJ) Dana Desa akan disampaikan kepada Menteri Keuanganp . “Saya Baca Selengkapnya…
Kategori: wonderful Indonesia
he Chief of Staff of the Presidency Moeldoko is pleased to exchange ideas with representatives of various United Nations agencies at the Presidential Staff Office on Tuesday, April 24, 2018.
JAKARTA – The Government of Indonesia is fully committed in various multilateral forums as well as international agreements. Therefore the Baca Selengkapnya…
Alumni Miss Universe 2015 Disambut Kehangatan Karangasem
Gunakan Pakaian Adat Bali, Alumni Miss Universe 2015 Disambut Kehangatan Karangasem
Go Wonderful Indonesia
Lake Toba is one of the marvelous natural wonders of the world. This is very … Read more Field The Baca Selengkapnya…
A Paradise in an Unexplored Area for Both Divers and Nature Lovers Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat, A Paradise in an Unexplored Area for Both Divers and Nature Lovers
Safari Park, Modern Zoological Garden with Various Flora and Fauna Collections 2018
Safari Park, Modern Zoological Garden with Various Flora and Fauna Collections Bogor Botanical Garden is located in the city of Baca Selengkapnya…
100 destinasi pariwisata digital dan nomadik guna merealisasikan target kunjungan 17 juta wisatawan mancanegara
Jakarta, 4 April 2018 – Kementrian Pariwisata Kembali mengeluarkan strategi baru dengan menawarkan 100 destinasi pariwisata digital dan nomadik guna merealisasikan target kunjungan 17 juta Baca Selengkapnya…
A New Strategy by Offering 100 digital tourism destinations bring in foreign tourists
Wonderful Indonesia 2018
Know Culture and Religion in Bali
In Bali, there is one literary verse that is used as the slogan of the Indonesian state symbol, namely: Bhineka Baca Selengkapnya…
History of Bali and Tourism
Ending the prehistoric era, Bali is destined to search and travel by spiritual aspirants. Rsi Markandeya was noted as a Baca Selengkapnya…